Recent Projects and Testimonials
McGill School of Nursing, Nursing Explorations – November 10, 2011: Expanding the Scope of Nursing Practice: Destiny or Diversion?
[Hélène Ezer, N, PhD, Director, McGill School of Nursing]
Lisa Lipowski and her CDC team have gone above and beyond our expectations. We have received excellent feedback from committee members, invited speakers and conference participants on how well they were received. Her "hands on" approach and her attention to containing our costs have been invaluable.
McGill University Life Sciences Complex Imaging Facility, Lectures and Hands-On Labs – July 26-28, 2011: From Apoptosis to Zebrafish Automated, Live Cell & High Content Imaging
Maternal, Infant, Child and Youth Research Network (MICYRN) Workshop – May 27-29, 2011: Developing an Integrated Strategy to Support Canadian Pediatric and Perinatal Clinical Trials
[Stuart M MacLeod, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Vice President, Academic Liaison & Research Coordination, Provincial Health Services Authority Professor, Pediatrics, University of British Columbia]
I was highly impressed by the professionalism of Ms Lipowski's organization. The meeting operated flawlessly and the participants were uniformly impressed by the attention shown to all the details of its organization.[Anne Junker, MD, Associate Professor, Paediatrics, University of British Columbia Director, Clinical & Population Studies, Child & Family Research Institute; and Director, MICYRN-RRSEM]
Lisa and her team provided exemplary organizational skills. They were at all times flexible and accommodating, and highly responsive (with practical advice and solutions) to our demands. They provided superb support in the lead-up to the meeting, and essentially no aspects or contingencies were overlooked. Their AV skills were terrific. We had many positive accolades from our guests.
29th Annual Jewish General Hospital Department of Nursing Symposium on Nursing, Health and Healthcare – May 6, 2011: Log on! Nursing, Information Technology and the Future
[Valerie Frunchak, N, MSc(A), Associate Nursing Director, Maternal-Child Health, Training and Staff Development, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, McGill University]
The Department of Nursing at the Jewish General Hospital has used the services of Lisa Lipowski at Curly Dog Communications for several years. She has been instrumental in helping us to coordinate and launch our annual nursing conference ... Curly Dog Communications provides excellent logistic, graphic design and coordination services. They were particularly helpful in engaging industry presence and support for our last conference.
Quebec Interuniversity Nursing Intervention Research Group (GRIISIQ) - April 6-8, 2011: 1st International Symposium on Nursing Intervention Research
[Sylvie Cossette, inf., Ph. D., Professeure agrégée à la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l'Université de Montréal et chercheuse au Centre de recherche de l'Institut de cardiologie de Montréal, Co-directrice du GRIISIQ; et Nancy Feeley, inf., Ph. D., Professeure adjointe à l'École des sciences infirmières de l'Université McGill et chercheuse au Centre de recherche Lady Davis en sciences infirmières de l'Hôpital Général Juif de Montréal, Co-directrice du GRIISIQ]
Nous avons eu le privilège de travailler avec la firme de communications Curly Dog Inc. au courant de la dernière année en vue de l'organisation de notre « Premier symposium international sur la recherche en interventions en sciences infirmières » qui a eu lieu en avril dernier à Montréal. En raison de circonstances imprévisibles, nous avons dû changer de firme de communications au courant de la planification de l'événement. Nous avons alors engagé la firme Curly Dog Inc. qui a su prendre la relève en démontrant un professionnalisme impeccable. Nous estimons que le succès de notre événement est dû à la grande qualité du travail produit par cette dernière. Nous pouvons vous assurer que Mme Lisa Lipowski, présidente de Curly Dog ainsi que son équipe ont su montrer une grande passion pour leur travail, nous donnant entière satisfaction en s'acquittant de leurs tâches avec promptitude et une grande attention aux détails.
Clientèle and Past Projects
Addressing Patient Safety: An Interprofessional Imperative
hosted by the McGill University Faculty of Medicine
Initiative on Interprofessional Practice
and the Joan Gilchrist Nursing Explorations Series (2007)
American Foundation for AIDS Research – amfAR
American Society of Andrology
Canadian Pain Society
Centraide – United Way
Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN)
Coupe des Amériques
– North American Masters Road Championship cycling race
Events International Meeting Planners
Felicissimo & Associates Inc.
Healthcare Safety Info-eLink™
Hotel Horizon
I.C. Axon
International AIDS Society
International Federation of Fertility Societies – IFFS
International Society for Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy – ISCP
International Society of Chemotherapy (ICC)
International Society of Endocrinology – ISE
International Xenotransplantation Association – IXA
Ionizing Radiation & Polymers – IRaP – International Symposium
McGill School of Nursing, Nursing Explorations – November 5, 2010: Nursing Our Profession Back to Health: Creating High Retention Environments
McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)
McGill University Printing Services
Montreal Children's Hospital
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
NeuroScience Canada
Sir Mortimer B. Davis – Jewish General Hospital
Spine Arthroplasty Society – SAS6 Montreal
The Argyle Institute of Human Relations
The Townshippers' Association
The Transplantation Society
World Congress on Endometriosis